1 The instrument porosimeter cum permeameter has used to measure basic petro physical properties of core plugs at variable confining pressures, namely, porosity, permeability, bulk density, grain density, grain volume etc., of plug shaped rock samples by flowing gas using steady state method.
2 The flow rate of the gas and the pressure differential has monitored by the equipment.
3 The permeability shall be calculated as per the Darcy’s principle and subsequently the equivalent liquid permeability and slip has obtained by linear interpolation.
4 The equipment has have an automatic data acquisition computer station enabling data acquisition and system control for the automatic determination of petro physical parameters.
Techlnc's Steady State Permeameter is a laboratory instrument used to measure the permeability of a porous material to a gas. Permeability is a measure of how easily a gas can flow through a material.
It is an important property for many materials, including,
2 .soils,
3.membranes, and
4.filters .
Steady State Permeameters work by measuring the flow rate of a gas through a sample of the material under a known pressure gradient. The permeability is then calculated using Darcy's law.'
The sample setup is effortless and designed to work with a variety of samples. The software will fully control the instrument while running a test and in manual control. The data is automatically recorded and the reporting program will display the results for the test as well as export the results into Excel. The machine is robust and requires minimal maintenance for extended periods of time.
The finest technology has been used in the production of this machine to provide the most accurate resuIts.
1. This system is composed of a core holder, pressure sensors, accurate flow meters, a pressure reducer, Upstream Pressure Control Valve and an automatic pump for
confining pressure.
2. A computer latest configuration with Data acquisition system which makes automation of the instrument.
The versatile TechPERM determines both porosity and permeability to gas of plug sized core samples. Specifically, porosity is determined from an isothermal nitrogen expansion and the application of Boyle's law and Charles' law. Gas permeability determination is achieved via the steady-state method, and subsequently the equivalent liquid permeability and slip is obtained by linear interpolation. The standard configuration consists of a control console, a quick release Hassler core holder, a matrix cup and a data acquisition computer station enabling both manual and automatic operation. A hydrostatic high-grade stainless steel core holder can be provided for overburden pressure studies.
1 .Values recorded and reported through TECHINC software.
2.Simple sample setup
3.Core holder designed to remove operator error during loading process
4.Designed to work with variety of samples.
5.Software will fully control the instrument while running a test and can be manually controlled too.
Custom pressure, automation, specifications, and other solutions are also available! Contact Tech Inc. Instrument to learn more. Our team is readily available to answer any questions you may have and guide you to find the ideal custom solution for all
your testing needs.
Further detail Please Click the Datasheet
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