Airflow Resistance Meter

The TECHINC Airflow Resistance Meter follows the specifications of ASTM C522-03 and provides quick and accurate resistivity values in Rayls. Air is forced through the material at required velocity or flow rate and corresponding pressure drop is measured to provide the resistivity valves.
Windows-based software handles all control, measurement, data collection, and report generation; complete manual control also possible
Compatible with Windows XP or higher
Real-time graphical test display depicts testing status and results throughout operation
Non-destructive testing
Length of test approximately 10 minutes
Minimal maintenance required
Multiple sample chambers available
Permeability Range
100 – 10,000 Mks Rayls
Pressurizing Gas
clean, dry or compressed air any other non-flammable and non-corrosive gas
Pore Pressure
250 psi or more
Pressure Transducer Range
0 – 500 Pa
1 – 60,000
0.15% of reading
Mass Flow Transducer Range
10cm3/min – 500,000 cm3/min
Power Requirements
110/220 VAC, 50/60 Hz
others available
30″ H x 19″ W x 18.5″ D